As many people have found out in the current economic slump having all your income eggs in one basket is not a good idea.

Many people who have lost their jobs also lost the only way they had to make money.

On the Internet it is possible to create multiple streams of income and a good way to do that is to build residual income streams.

Multiple streams of income just mean you’re earning money in more than one way. Residual income means you continue to get paid even when you’re no longer working.

This is also known as creating a walk away income and in the past was primarily promoted through network marketing.

MLM opportunities continue to be a great way to develop a residual income.

As a matter of fact more people are making money in network marketing than any time in history.

This is due primarily to how much easier it is to sell products on the Internet and to enroll new distributors.

You can also create a residual income by joining two-tier affiliate programs and recruiting people to sell. You earn money on every sale made by affiliate marketers you recruit.

Even when you are no longer selling yourself you can continue to receive affiliate income checks every month.

Some Internet marketers have created numerous websites or blogs and make money on them every month.

If you work with this strategy over time you can have an Internet marketing empire in multiple niches earning you income in various ways.

It is very exciting to think about creating multiple streams of residual income on the Internet today.